Point of Exclusion
With the numerous religions in the world, how can Christians claim exclusivity? I am often asked this question in different settings. But I've always been fascinated by the fact that the Christian faith is the only one that seems to have this question posed. The truth is that every major religion in the world claims exclusivity, and every major religion in the world has a point of exclusion.
Hinduism, for example, is often represented as being the
most tolerant and accepting of other faiths. That is just not true. All Hindus
believe in two fundamental, uncompromising doctrines—the Law of Karma, and the
belief in reincarnation. These will not be surrendered. In fact, Buddhism was
born out of the rejection of two other very dogmatic claims of Hinduism. Buddha
rejected the authority of the vedas and the caste system of Hinduism. The issue
here is not who was right or wrong. The truth is that they were systemically
different—both claiming rightness.
Islam, as you know, is very clearly an exclusive claim to
God. A Muslim will never tell you that it doesn't matter what you believe or
that all religions are true.
But before we get upset with such claims, let us remember
that it is the very nature of truth that presents us with this reality. Truth by definition is exclusive.
Everything cannot be true. If everything is true, then nothing is false. And if
nothing is false then it would also be true to say everything is false. We
cannot have it both ways. One should not be surprised at the claims of
exclusivity. The reality is that even those who deny truth's exclusivity, in
effect, exclude those who do not deny it. The truth quickly emerges. The law of
non-contradiction does apply to reality: Two contradictory statements cannot
both be true in the same sense. Thus, to deny the law of non-contradiction is
to affirm it at the same time. You may as well talk about a one-ended stick as
talk about truth being all-inclusive.
So where does that leave us? We must not be surprised at
truth claims but we must test them before we believe them. If the test
demonstrates truth then we are morally compelled to believe it. And this is
precisely the point from which many are trying to run. As G.K. Chesterton said,
the problem with Christianity is not that it has been tried and found wanting,
but that it has been found difficult and left untried.
Christ is either the immeasurable God or one dreadfully lost. Apply the tests of truth to the person and the message of Jesus Christ. You see not only his exclusivity, but also his uniqueness.
Zacharias is founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International
As I have said many times before on this blog, have an open mind and check it out for yourself. Look at the evidence for all religions. Test them and see if they provide coherent, logical answers to the fundamental questions of life. Make it a front burner issue in your life to find out the "truth". It is important.