Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I know it has been a long time since I posted something on my blog, but I have been busy reading, studying, and preparing for the future.  I am teaching an Apologetics Class at Southbrook Church starting next Tuesday at 7:00 pm.  It is loosely based on the book by Frank Turek and Norm Geisler, “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist”.  A twelve week course that promises to be thought provoking and laying a solid foundation for faith.

Speaking of solid, the Apologetics Organization, Solid Reasons, is sponsoring a conference on September 6-7.  Information and registration can be seen at  The Conference is entitled Tactics and Greg Koukl will be there.  Should be fantastic.

Went to Bill Marris’s last summer Campfire Convocation tonight.  Very interesting.  He spoke about how the signs of the Zodiac are similar throughout history and throughout the world.  Different cultures, different civilizations had the same twelve signs, often with the same names.  When you think about how our solar system and galaxy is so perfectly set up for intelligent life to exist here on earth, is it any wonder that man looked to the heavens and tried to understand God.  As it has often been said, man has a god-sized hole in his heart that only God can fill.  All men hunger for God.

See you at the conference!



Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Milwaukee Chapter of Reasonable Faith will hold a meeting on Wednesday evening, January 23, 2013, at Southbrook Church, 10101 W. St. Martin’s Road, Franklin, WI 53132, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.

A showing of the debate between Dr. William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchens will be the highlight of the meeting.  This debate took place a few years ago.  Dr. Craig is one of the foremost defenders of the Christian faith and Christopher Hitchens was known as one of the “four horsemen”.   A group of New Atheists who not only don’t believe in God but who are anti-god and anti-religion.

If you have never seen this debate, you are in for a treat.  If you have and it has been a while since you have seen it, the time spent will be worthwhile.

Come to the meeting, bring a friend, bring an atheist.  Cookies and water will be available.