Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The New Atheist Problem

It has become clear to me that Richard Dawkins and the New Atheists have a problem.  They continually re-define the word “faith”.  They characterize faith as the belief in something without any evidence and belief in something even in the teeth of evidence to the contrary.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Faith is more a sense of trust based on evidence and reasons to accept.  What the New Atheists are referring to is “blind faith”, which is indeed a reprehensible and indefensible position.

But if we look more closely at what these critics are saying, we find the illogical nature of it.  The humanist/naturalist believes in nature and science.  They claim all things can be explained by science.  Yet that statement is a philosophical statement without any evidence!!  What are the reasons for accepting such a claim?  I can give numerous examples of things that science cannot explain.  Take for example the periodical cicadas.  Every seventeen years this insect comes back to life from the ground in numbers so great is astounds us all.  The sound of them rubbing their wings is at times deafening.  How is it that these insects know to come up out of the ground, lay their eggs, live for a few weeks, die, and then return in 17 years?  How do they know that?  How is it that their sense of time is so accurate?  Science can’t explain it.  They speculate, but have no solid evidence for the phenomenon.

What about the constants of nature in the universe?  The positive and negative force of the proton and electron in the atom, the force of gravity, the entropy in the universe all are examples of phenomenon that science has no answer for.  Are we then to conclude that they don’t exist?

You see, in order to accept the humanist/naturalist/evolutionist position, one must take a ‘leap of faith’ that has less evidence for it than does the reasonable and rational decision to accept Christ, as Frank Turek and Norm Geisler so appropriately said in their book of the same title, “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist”.   The “brights” like to make it seem as though their position is better thought out, more rational, reasonable, and with more evidence.  But the opposite is actually the truth.  Philosophers, scientists, and thinkers for centuries have sought after God.  The depth of their discoveries has been the basis of science in the modern age.  Yet only recently do we come to think that science has all the answers.  What hogwash!  It is as though we simply can dismiss the thinkers of the past as being misguided, uninformed, and simplistic.  The arrogance of the “brights” to think that way is beyond measure.  They like to cite the many examples of the past where the prevailing thought was later shown to be wrong.  Well, is it not possible that their prevailing thoughts today are wrong about the supernatural?

It seems to me the best course of action is to investigate from all angles and to look at history, philosophy, and science to find the evidence with which to base a logical and supported hypothesis.  One must keep an open mind and not venture into the investigation with a decision that the supernatural cannot exist already made, which is what they do.

The search for God and Truth has been the single most important and significant endeavor of man’s existence.  It is because life on this planet has no meaning, no value, and no purpose without God and immortality.  If we are all just molecules in motion in a baseless and irrelevant universe, then I wish to no longer be a part of it.  Ecclesiastes says it well, “So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun was grievous to me.  All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.  I hated all the things I had toiled for under the sun, because I must leave them to the one who comes after me.”  Think about it, without God and immortality, what are we here for?  Where do we come from?  Where are we going?  Is this all there is?

If you want to answer the fundamental existential questions of life about origin, meaning, purpose, and destiny, there is only one place you can find answers that are coherent, logical, and reflect reality.  That place is in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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