Saturday, January 21, 2012

America's heritage

Revisionist history is a serious problem in education today.  Revisionism by omission is the worst kind of revisionism.  It simply leaves out vital information so that people simply don't know about certain key truths.  This is especially true in regards to the founding fathers of our country.  American was founded on Biblical principles, by deeply religious Christian men, who, overwhelmingly, based their ideas of government on their understanding of the Bible.  The American Declaration of Independence and the Constitution express unique and new ideas of that time.  Never before had the ideas and principles outlined in these documents been written down as a basis for establishing a government.  Where did these ideas come from?  How did these men discover these concepts?  The Bible was overwhelmingly the main source for these ideas, as well as the writings of many preachers and theologians of the period.  All historians recognize the relevent contribution of John Locke's work, "Two Treatises of Government".  If one researches John Locke's life, you find him to be a what we now consider to be a renaissance man – an individual skilled in numerous areas and diverse subjects. He had been well-educated and received multiple degrees from some of the best institutions of his day, but he also pursued extensive self-education in the fields of religion, philosophy, education, law, and government – subjects on which he authored numerous substantial works, most of which still remain in print today more than three centuries after he published them.  Indeed, he wrote extensively on Christian apologetics.

This is another truth which is forgotten or ignored today.  America was founded as a Christian nation.  We are to have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

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